The customs tariff in Canada is a Government of Canada enacted act for the classification of various goods in order to determine the import tariff or duty of goods or products. The import tariffs and duties refer to the amount of money that is paid to the government of Canada when importing goods or products into Canada. The CBCA or the Canadian Border Services Agency is the designated department or organization to determine and collect duties and tariffs on all goods and products that are imported to Canada. Get in touch with Clearit customs consulting for quick and appropriate settlement of the customs duties and tariffs of your imported goods into Canada.
The customs duties and tariffs are in fact government taxes that are paid on imported goods from other countries. These duties and tariffs are a form of government of Canada regulations in order to protect and safeguard the interest of the domestic market in Canada. The customs tariffs and duties in Canada are normally revised every year republished fresh customs duties and tariffs annually.
The harmonized system is a form of products or commodities classifications that are accepted internationally. The harmonised systemhas been developed and maintained by the WCO or the World Customs Organization. The WCO is an intergovernmental and independent body that is based at Brussels in Belgium. As many as 200 nations across the world are the members of WCO and Canada is one of them. Eventually, as a member of WCO, the government of Canada follows and implements the harmonised system in all its customs tariffs and duties.
The harmonized system has incorporated as many as 5000 commodities which are identified each by a six-digit code and arranged in a logical and legal structure. The harmonized system has well-defined rules and regulations which are used by all the member countries of the WCO. The Canadian customs tariff classification is comprised of ten-digit code. The first six digits refer to WCO harmonized system digits and the next 7th and 8th digits are used for the purpose of Canadian trade. The rest two digits namely the ninth and the tenth are used for statistical purposes.
The importers both residential or non-residential in Canada are expected to and responsible for correctly and appropriately accounting and reporting about all necessary and required details of their goods such as quantity and nature of their goods along with the 10 digit tariff classification number for each product to the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBCA).